Connect The World EP043 | Ben Arc | LNBITS | Wales - United Kingdom
"Edward and Stef talk to Ben Arc, the creator of LNbits and a real Free Open Source Software developer, advocate, educator and builder of Bitcoin hardware and software from 2014!
LNbits is often described as Wordpress for your Lightning Node. It’s a simple account system for multiple wallets and multiple users. You can add a lot of extra features by installing extensions. This makes LNbits work great for several use cases!
Ben shares with us how LNurlATM and LNurlPoS can work completely offline! And he elaborates about LNURL versus keysend for Podcasting 2.0 (Value4Value). He also talks about his work with developer Fiatjaf on Diagon Alley, a decentralized market-stall protocol, and nostr, the future for a free social network!
Want to now how the nostr protocol could help sex workers? Check this brand new show! (Muggles are also welcome!)"- Jonī Kyasshu

⏱ Timestamps
00:00 - Intro - “10 Questions” 02:07 - Part 1 - Connect The World community 07:55 - Statistics 08:44 - News 15:06 - Ring Of Fire (ROF) 17:49 - Lightning Notes 19:23 - Part 2 - Guest: Ben Arc 28:21 - “21 minutes” 53:06 - Question from our last guest 55:20 - Outro

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Building With Ben’s Arctifacts | Ben Arc
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