I've been thinking about this territory and @desertdave's post around the economics for a while, so its time to get some posts going here!
My goal is to soon "invest" my so far well hidden voice & face on open air, going all in on the freedom fight.
I've been guarding my real ID and biometrics well even since the internet got started for real, and the past years I've been ramping up my capabilities hard, for obvious reasons.
But this is not the way we have to fight. It has been obvious for years now that genuine content is key to breaking the corporate spell, hell I even founded an agency based on that strategy a decade ago!
Stacker News has been pure genius for me when it comes to one thing: probing and prototyping complex and maybe even risky content. Getting zapped by people who fully know the value of Bitcoin is the pointer I need to go from fighting a smart, hidden war to buidling in open defiance :-)
This Sunday I've gotten ~6k sats in rewards, which is half the daily minimum wage here. I could even spend only that amount in fiat to feed myself this Monday, so its an important metric.
Of course I've got plans for scaling this rebellion, but without you guys here I'd have no real, sane and tested pointers as to what might work when released full on!
Nostr has worked to an extent, but it got bogged down in nonsense in my opinion. When I started out spending most of my days trying to get something going there I found a very real potential of course, but few followed a path to a long term, viable goal. That is very different here.
I've tried out many other platforms too, and will plug these in as I go. The problem has been that these are compromised in at least one way each, Substack is fiat only, and networks like Hive has their own serious challenges on a social level.
Yet to make what I described here #669330 work I'll need to funnel as many tiny revenue streams as I can into Bitcoin, or directly into fiat as I go along.
SN will probably be the best tool by far for me to keep that focus, and also for keeping me on the right track, so it will remain my main platform even if others offer higher revenue. I regard it as my foundation, if that makes sense.
Also many here have pointed me towards changing my thinking on setting up 2-3 accounts here. I will still run at least 2 projects on the other platforms simply because I do not expect the audiences there to be able to handle a real, organic person writing whatever is on my mind as here. I might still have to run another one here for very specific purposes, but if so it will be about one topic only, and I'll certainly keep everyone posted from this one :-)
There are some very real & important issues around managing the real world once you start posting your real stuff live, hope you guys here understand...
I've also got plans for a lot of content, some will be with a paywall, but maybe not here. At least I'll post far more here than on other platforms, unless something major changes of course.
Thanks to @koob for setting up this platform! Initially I was not aware of the very generous investment that is going into this beyond time and risk. I very much believe the whole project will work out in great ways, and that it will be a legendary Bitcoin investment long term :-)
I'll also try to promote SN on other platforms, but that will probably require some footwork & tactics to get it right... When you have a great gang buidling something with huge potential you want people who contribute, those who try tearing things apart will unfortunately find their way in on their own...
Its time to buidl the improbably for real! :-)
We are the trail blazers of the wild west.
Your observation about Nostr is 90% precise. But then again I still like it. BTW Congratulations for earning a half a days salary through SN. We wish you the best. We are envious but we like that you have progressed as fast as you would like to.
I'm pretty sure that I'll enjoy Nostr again once I get to that phase :-)
Also there is soooo much time that has gone into this the past 4 years that its hard to even calculate. Not complaining at all, just a thought around the complexity of navigating things...
nostr is fun but as you have said, very hard to earn any kind of zaps there. if i post something it's just going to the void because i don't have many followers. still, i do like to follow the latest bitcoin developments and scandals there
It was much better for that a year ago, but what matters is that it is uncensorable!
No way I'll buidl anything again that can be taken away from me, so Nostr and Bitcoin will be the base on which I buidl...
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @mo 14 Oct
Do you really think you need to fight for freedom?
I know I have to, when I'm thinking, when I'm not thinking, when I'm asleep, when I'm being with our cats, I won't back down in this life nor the next ones!
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @mo 14 Oct
It's a fun game man, not a personal fight ;) Enjoy
btw, it's k00b with zeroes, not koob
Ah, of course... Can't edit now, oh well...
Its not merely a game when freedom & survival is on the line, but it can still be fun ;-)