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Jake Sullivan is the same guy that is doing everything he can to ensure that Ukraine doesn't actually win. He's put absurd restrictions on how Ukraine can fight, even trying to prevent Ukraine using their own weapons to hit targets like the Russian airfields that are bombing Ukrainian civilians. He's a coward at best; a traitor at worst.
Weren't those restrictions placed because of concern they would escalate the response from Russia- remember Russia threats to use nukes? Was it not only when China, Russias new owners, clearly told Putin he cannot to use nukes that Ukraine has then been able to bomb/and more recently actually take Russian territory? This is a proxy war between China and the US but both super powers are not keen on it becoming a direct confrontation which would then have serious trade consequences for both sides.
Any Libertarians who think government is not important read the article?
Obviously not! They don't understand how capitalism works. There is no market without the state. This is the reality!
Nonsense- you obviously will still have markets without the state but any geographical area with a less unified and resourceful organisational structure will be vulnerable to and will succumb to competing geographical groups who will have superior ability to strategise capture and control of resources. This is what China is doing. This is what history shows repeatedly - that since life emerged organisms and groups of organisms compete continuously for dominance and the most highly organised groups of organisms are humans in nations state groups. All empires have been the best functioning nation states who best coordinated their own resources and captured and controlled those of other less well organised groups. Libertarians fail to sufficiently appreciate this fundamental historical reality and endanger the collective functional viability of their own host nations in the process.
So you agree with what I wrote from your analysis. I think I didn't make myself understood, because your explanation is exactly how I see the current reality
Good to hear I am not alone in this view! It is really a question of what is most important, the market/s or the state, when IMO they are to a large extent interdependent.
You are not alone. Many people do not realize that many of the technological advances were produced by the state and not by the private sector.
Not just the American, but the Nation as well. The semiconductor trade war
Doing America proud