Also the Lightning Address wallet only has a withdrawal threshold at the moment, do I need to set this to 1sat to get every payment routed to my Lightning address?
If you have a receive wallet attached and someone zaps you from their own wallet, we try to send sats straight to your wallet ("p2p zap"). If that doesn't work for some reason, they will go into the custodial wallet as if they used custodial sats. The threshold then determines when a withdrawal should automatically be triggered.
After Nov 5th, these automated withdrawals will no longer exist since any sats that you couldn't receive into your own wallet (because you don't have one attached or there was an error) will become cowboy credits that you can't withdraw. The exception are the sats that you accumulated before Nov 5th. They will always be there for you to withdraw.
We might simply set the threshold to 0 after that date so there will be one last automated withdrawal to empty your custodial wallet.
We might simply set the threshold to 0 after that date so there will be one last automated withdrawal to empty your custodial wallet.
Big event. K00b should film this with a big red button for the YT podcast.