As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office. He said to him, “Follow me.” So he got up and followed him.

Matthew 9:9
Dear God, as we begin this new day, we open our hearts to hear Your call. Just as Jesus called Matthew with simplicity and love, calling him to follow Him, today we want to respond to Your invitation. Help us to leave behind what holds us back and prevents us from following Your ways. May we have the courage to let go of everything that does not serve Your purpose and walk confidently toward Your will.
Lord, grant us the clarity to recognize Your voice amidst the distractions of everyday life. May we hear Your call not only in the big moments, but also in the silence, in the small choices and in our daily interactions. May every decision we make today be guided by Your love and wisdom.
Like Matthew, who quickly rose to follow Christ, we ask for the strength to rise from our own places of comfort or error. May we leave behind what prevents us from fully living Your calling, to embrace the new journey You have for each of us.
Lord, give us a heart willing to learn and be transformed. Help us to see the opportunities You give us to grow, to serve, and to love. May we be instruments of Your peace and light in the world, reflecting Your love in our words and actions.
Today, we also ask that You help us to welcome others with the same mercy and compassion that Jesus demonstrated. May we not judge or condemn, but be guided by grace and forgiveness. May we be living examples of Your call to love and justice in all that we do.
In the name of Your goodness, which invites us each new day to follow in Your footsteps, we pray with faith and gratitude.
Explanation of Matthew 9:9:
Matthew 9:9 tells of the moment when Jesus calls Matthew, a tax collector, to be His disciple. Jesus simply says, “Follow me,” and Matthew promptly leaves his post and follows Him. This passage is a powerful example of God’s calling and willingness to follow Christ regardless of one’s background or circumstances. Matthew’s being a tax collector—someone who was viewed negatively by his contemporaries—shows that Jesus’ calling is for everyone, without distinction. Matthew’s readiness to respond to the call teaches us to always be ready to follow God’s voice and trust in the transformation He can bring about in our lives.
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