on the one hand , it's the classic fuck you boomer mentality, on the other hand, there is a logic to making sure your kids don't end up like Gofry from Game of Thrones.
in the case of 50c and shaq, they came from the hood and ended up multi-millionaires, that's a crazy jump, must be weird for them being raised one way, and then rasing ultra wealthy kids.
that being said, i read a statistic that 70% of wealthy families will lose their wealth by the second generation and 90% will lose it by the third, so who knows
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32 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT OP 15 Oct
I haven't heard of "FU boomer mentality.
I wonder if there will be a reverse entitlement assumption for all the "lucky" bitcoiners that acquired it so easily in these early years. While WE (generation after Z) have to work for it!
the mentality a lot of them have is I'm taking it all to the grave because i earned it, you young people need to stfu and work hard like i did - while being oblivious of the changes in the money system and proportional increase in cost of living and that a lot of young people have to have multiple jobs , just to scrape by.
for sure tho, the future will see us as lucky bitcoiners and will want to bash us for it, or have the gov take our bitcoin to make things 'fair' lol