Thanks for the comment. So if I understand right, you're going to church and reading the bible and praying, before actually being convinced that God and Jesus are real, is that correct? I'd be interested in learning more about what caused you to take this path.
Sure yeah I never discounted the possibility that God is real and used to pray once in a while as a kid or even very seldomly as an adult usually for health, happiness and protection for myself and my loved ones. My life ended up turning out pretty well -- my parents are still with me, I fell in love and got married, had some beautiful kids, found financial freedom through Bitcoin and in general didn't suffer any major calamities so I started to feel blessed and that maybe my prayers were subtly answered after all.
I also started to get a sense of the extent of the evil and wickedness being perpetrated in the world and began noticing that some people I respect and follow online were Christian and were confident in Jesus' ability to protect them and overcome evil. More recently some people came into my life that had themselves converted to Christianity after being non-believers and I asked them about their faith.
Thanks for the details. It's interesting how when people you really respect follow a certain path, that path becomes something to consider.