pull down to refresh
This is at most a UX bug (it's not easy to tell what's happening when) but it's clearly causing a bunch of grief so I'll make it less confusing. Thank you for reporting.
Okay thank you for helping me understand. We'll try to make this less prone to confusion. The notification ordering sounds not intuitive based on what you've shared.
My English isn't the greatest. The biggest problem I see is that I can receive zaps but the stacked value in the post doesn't change.
Wait are you saying that the stacked count NEVER changed or didn't change when you expected it to?
it didn't change when I expected it to, only when I received the next zap.
Thanks, that should be easy to fix. Sorry for being so dull. I'm having a bit of trouble waking up today.
To make this work, it requires a state machine with several transitions. Each transition happens at a different time and we are probably using the wrong transition to show/order notifications.
No problem, I get it every day :)
Now I notice that everything went well with your zap. But it has two p2p notifications (turbo zap?).
Note that in the other situation 5 minutes passed between notifications. I don't know if it was turbo zap.
Looks like a bug! I've never seen it happen before, maybe it has something to do with the attached wallet. @k00b