Yes. And experiencing things for what they are, is more important to me than the word we give it. The essence. Dogs identify and catalog thousands of smells. No names needed. Do words make that process better?
is more important to me than the word we give it
Everything haves its place. Eating is more important than worrying about the word "eating" in itself. Yet to survive within a society you better know the word "eating".
Dogs identify and catalog thousands of smells. No names needed. Do words make that process better?
The label exists, though, for it's needed, as you said, to identify and catalog. The specific wording of the label becomes important when the information as to be transmitted. Like when a dog identifies you by your smell, and emits a barking that's specific to you, either to call you, or to announce your presence to others.
So again. It's how we connect. I guess babies would probably Just think in pictures? My thoughts feel like words often.
Your thoughts are patterns that have many labels and grades associated. When you see a person you not only think "Steve", you connect all of the metadata you have associated to that recognized pattern, like "brother", "47", "relevant person", etc
I can also feel things in my body that can't be described. Like our "gut" feelings. Without any words, we communicate a lot. With out any previous interactions, or stored meta data, I will decide how I feel about them. Much more than their name And age, etc.
It all becomes clear metadata the moment you turn the gut feeling into a concrete action/decision. If the feeling do not leads to a decision, you just feel "weird", which simply means you are not being able to detect any pattern, which can make you feel uneasy, yet undefined. Now, if your gut feeling makes you take a decision like dropping out from a situation, the word is full clear "something is wrong, I have to bail out -> concrete action -> abort and leave".
I enjoy flow state which doesn't work that way.
How so? Actions are concrete, you can not "half go", you can not "half accept". At some point, granular as you wish, you do or don't do something.
I definitely have half gone and half accepted. Trying with intent to fail.
Things we do while flowing are different than things we just do. This is how we leave this time space.
As someone who lost a lot of their memory in a moment, I think there is more to it than that. Our whole body stores information. Not just the brain.
I'm not denying that! It's actually a well established fact
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 19h
That's interesting. There is a lot we don't know about how our cells store information. It may not only be just our brain.
I believe the truth of everything is within everything.
Exactly, it's all about the connections. It's all we can do, we can't escape that for it's the structure of the brain itself: "input A causes relay B to turn on". That's it.
It's all energy moving around.
Exactly. And it's pretty much actual wats, no need for spiritualism for that mechanism to operate.
Almost nothing do we understand with science. We just think we do. It's just another art. Which is great. But it's still temporary illusion. For me, science is not the highest truth. Just my take.
Science do not claims to be "the highest truth". In fact, a fundamental test of any scientifical theory to be accepted even before being tested is the falsifiability test: a theory must be incomplete, and leave room to failure at some point, for it to be considered "practical". Wherever a theory seeks to be "absolute truth", it default fails the falsifiability test, and it's declared unscientific.
I like that. It should always just be ideas. I like to be expansive with my beliefs. I don't think most people understand that about science.