Europistan is 100% done
I plan on returning at least once before it totally collapses, I judge risks like incarceration, medical assault or straight out starving to death as higher in the EU than rough places like Egypt and Nepal...!
Anyone left in that huge, boiling pot should get out ASAP...
Eygypt is a military government supported by the US. There is no true democracy there. Nepal between China and India may be more secure - as long as you have funds to support yourself...but its a buffer state and will never be more than that, nice place though it is! Why don't you fight for Europe, assuming it is your culture of birth? - western democracy and liberty is crumbling due to apathy and cynicism- hiding out in Nepal will not fix it. If the west does not turn around its seemingly terminal decline China will kmost likely be the new global hegemony. All nations are now dependent upon the Chinese economy...and China is building its empire of global infrastructure.