This article from 2012 is classic Jesse Powell!!
Now is Powell’s big chance, I think. These guys have the power to throw money at the thing he cares about most. I hold my breath, curious how he’ll spin it.
“Well,” says Powell, “it’s an entirely digital currency. Right now, people mostly use it to buy drugs on this site called Silk Road – that and porn. I think it has a lot of potential.”
That’s his pitch?! Drugs and porn? I can’t believe it – this acid-soaked fool has blown his big chance in one sentence. Who would invest in a thing like that?
That was a great read, thanks for that. You could make a lot of sats just commenting relevant passages from old articles and books, I think.
...or perhaps you already have...
Follow Pete Rizzo (@pete_rizzo_) on Twitter, he does a lot of that.
It turns out the future of money...
😎 in your hands.

And wow, was the author mis-quoting Ver or did he really never get Bitcoin right?
Heh, ... you mean this part?
"All purchases are entirely anonymous, and heavily encrypted." “It’s more stable than the U.S. dollar."