Check out the previous post here.
We're back at it, conquering civilizations! Last time, I asked the community if we should take over Hobart or make friends. You guys voted to crush Hobart and the Aussies. Mission accomplished! But those sneaky Aussies managed to start another city (Melbourne) before we could wipe them out. Too bad for them, we got that too!
We're now atomic-powered heroes, which means we get to pick 3 new perks. Let's vote on which ones you want me to choose! The top 3 will win.
Heartbeat of steam30.0%
To arms40.0%
Wish you were here20.0%
Bodyguard of lies10.0%
10 votes \ poll ended
Loving this series. I have never played the game but I vote in every one.
It seems like you're pretty far down the war path, so I chose To Arms. It's not my preferred style, but it fits what you're up to.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 16 Oct
I really want to try this game. I haven't played it yet.
Light a candle for peace please!!
There's no need for war at the moment, if you look at it we're all friends.