Does FEMA care more about covid than recent hurricanes? Brian McGlinchey discusses this in his new article at the Institute.
"Indeed: Why is the family of someone who dies from COVID more deserving of a government-paid funeral than the family of someone who dies from cancer, cardiac arrest or a car accident? It bears emphasis that this question was every bit as relevant in 2020 as it is today."
Here's my guess as to why FEMA had/has this inane, corrupt policy.
It makes family members more likely to not protest covid being the cause of death, on the death certificate. Because with this policy, the hospital manager can tell them, "Oh, by the way, if we put covid in as the cause of death, you can get up to $9,000 for funeral expenses."
And if the hospital manager can put in covid in as the cause of death, weren't they getting a substantial additional subsidy from the feds, for Medicare patients? I don't remember the details, but I found this article ( which "fact-checked" it as false, even though substantially it sounds like it's true.
It's something you don't even really want to think about, it's so corrupt.
Man, it’s been two years and Covid still makes me so mad.
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 17 Oct
Me too, what a waste.
It's been four years and it still makes me mad, too.
Here's my addendum to that. This probably started with good intentions. Someone at FEMA during the pandemic proposed this policy (every part of the Federal Government was scrambling to do Covid stuff) and it got approved easily.
Then it persisted, because 1) that's what temporary government programs do, 2) believe it or not, many government workers still worry about covid, and 3) it was convenient to someone to have those elevated covid numbers.
Now it's probably hard to get rid of, because managing it is someone's job and they don't want to fire someone.
That's how these bureaucracies actually function.
The Leviathan Model
“The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy”
Um, why the heck was it FEMA's responsibility to pay for someone's funeral in the first place?
What are they supposed to do, help people during emergencies?
Oh that’s right, I forgot that emotional distress is a life threatening emergency these days
I just meant it's easier to pitch in after all the damage is done than to actually help.
$9k for funeral! This is like a year salary in India for a first class officer.
26 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 17 Oct
Yea that’s wild. We just cremate here
We also cremate. Are you from India?
It is good business. Those who died from Cerveza sickness were duped by FEMA. FEMA earned from the remains of those who died with the title SARS-Cov-2. 9,000 USD is just a consolation prize.