Award winning filmmaker Bart Sibrel presents his highly acclaimed (and much hated) controversial documentary showcasing newly discovered behind-the-scenes out-takes from the first mission to the moon, proving that the crew never left earth orbit.
Never before in all of recorded aviation has a flying machine worked on its first attempt, much less the most complicated one ever imagined, landing on another heavenly body on its maiden voyage, and returning roundtrip with a crew that lived to tell, all with 1960's technology. (More computing power is found today in a $10 watch.)
According to William Kaysing, a NASA contractor for Apollo, a classified interdepartmental memo rated the odds of a successful and survivable manned lunar landing on its first attempt at one in ten thousand. That is why the returning men of the mission looked so dejected rather than triumphant at their press conference, as they were blackmailed into lying about the alleged greatest accomplishment of mankind, to the detriment of their own souls.
Bart Sibrel was also on Joe Rogan podcast
This is my fave. To those whom hated conspiracy theorists just shut up. In the 1950s the Mafia is just a conspiracy theory until 10 years later or so when FBI and a witness confirmed that “THE MAFIA” is real. If they can hide a secret society of criminals then how about the landing and claiming a natural satellite. The moon is not for the people whom wanted to believe in Einstein although they don’t know any thing about mathematics.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 17 Oct
I've often wondered how other people who believe in conspiracy theories decide where to draw the line.
If you're one of these people, do you accept anything that goes against the MSM, or is there a line you won't cross?
There are many theories that seem plausible to me, but there are others that are obviously wrong. Say I can believe in the theory that the CIA was involved in the murder of Kennedy, but I cannot believe in flat earth theories or the harvesting of andronochrome by the elite.
There are many theories that seem plausible to me, but there are others that are obviously wrong.
Yes, that's true. And many of those "wrong" are intentionally planted by the same "secret societies" to confuse more the masses and put people on the wrong path, not being able to filter what is wrong and what is right anymore.
do you accept anything that goes against the MSM
NO, I never believe or trust anything that comes from MSM, govs or "scientists". Why? Because I was "forged in fire", I survived 20 years of pure communist regime with unimaginable ways to deceive population with propaganda and manipulations. I was lucky that my grandpa and my parents were open minded people and explained me from early years how the things are going on and do not let me regurgitate the propaganda techniques.
Maybe that's why today I am so against the system. When I see / hear something that comes from gov or MSM I hear only this song:
Side by side comparison of Doctor Sleep and The Shining.
If you watch the film they have inserted APOLLO similar to what the original director envisioned. They are saying in in a very subtle way that APOLLO mission was directed by Stanley Kubrick.
I thought there would be something funny on the way of bitcoin to the moon ☹️
I don't think I can sit on the toilet long enough for this but I've played a little of this and hopefully the great Oracle of YouTube will have this in my watched list for future enjoyment.