I am a doctor by profession, I practice medicine and teach medicine. I am a family doctor, so I basically help people who want to avoid getting sick, although I also cure those who can and want to.
I do this in a country where medicine is supposedly a free service, but nothing could be further from the truth.
You go to the hospital sick, you don't have to pay to receive medical attention, but you will have to wait a while, there are almost no doctors to attend to you, those who haven't left the country have looked for jobs that pay MUCH BETTER. After you manage to get care, there are no medicines to treat your illness, but if you look somewhere and pay for it, then you have it, and so on. In short, you have to pay to be able to receive medical attention and treatment, but medical attention is free. Don't try to understand something that happens in a world where the predominantly logical thing is the totally absurd.
Oh! Another thing, education here, more of the same.
And don't think that paying for education and health care will make things better. I've experienced it before and it's also a lie.