Given the historic influx of migrants in recent years, immigration stands as a central issue in the 2024 U.S. presidential election.
For decades, U.S. presidents have proposed broad immigration reform, but each has failed to receive support in Congress. In fact, the last comprehensive immigration bill was passed four decades ago under President Reagan. Comprehensive immigration reform addresses border security, the status of undocumented immigrants, enforcement, and labor demand.
This graphic shows how Americans view immigration policies in 2024, based on surveys from the Pew Research Center.
I'm glad most people agree on letting college grads stay if they want to. So many of my friends from grad school wanted to stay in the US, but weren't able to.
Who's being helped by driving away these highly productive people?
Let criminals in, kick engineers and doctors out.
It's almost like the incentive models that shape our government are backwards.
It's almost like the state is the antagonist to a peaceful society.
I read somewhere that a bunch of criminals were released from prison and they made their way here to the USA. I wouldnt mind having people that have come into the country illegally deported. And if the immigration system could become more streamlined, that would be nice.
I basically agree with that, although I don't the government should be hunting down illegal immigrants for the sake of deporting them. If they get arrested for some other criminal act, then off they go.
As long as people are peaceful members of society, I'm happy for them to be here.
I dont disagree, but when they are taking resources from people that came legally, I think that is wrong.
That gets to Milton Friedman's point about open borders being incompatible with a welfare state. I'd prefer the peaceful immigrants to the welfare state.
I think the problem is that the USA is trying to take on too much. I do believe they could simplify immigration. But I also believe people need to be responsible for themselves.
The immigration proposal I like the most is the sponsorship idea. Basically, if a legal resident invites you (job offer, rental agreement, visiting family, etc), then you're welcome to come, but whoever invited you assumes responsibility for you while you're here.
Yes, I also believe in this idea. Less problems would happen.