Bro WTF are you talking about, it's just an upgrade combining a few op_codes. One of the devs works at SWAN there is no FUD narratives and there is no fake L2 or altcoin, it's just combining some op_codes, at least learn how to code before spouting off some nonsense.
It's just a harmless upgrade bro just try my new op_code bro don't like it dont use it bro, seriously bro not FUD bro its just a broken chain bro we can fix it bro totally not a scam bro
learn how to code
lol fucking clueless
Justin I think you should have a nuanced convo with Rearden or Moonsettler.
I thought the moon retard rage quit a few months ago, scammers always come back for another bite at the apple I guess.
Scammers like this don't engage in nuanced conversations, they repeat emotional appeals to needs non-technical people can understand, and copy paste half-assed diagrams and technobabble that fool the 99.5% of people that can't parse as non-solutions.
They're snake oil dealers, only the snake oil is shitcoins ("vTXOs")
strong statements there
judging from his past history on this site there's no way justin has the ability to have a nuanced conversation...
Scammers love tone policing because they can't break through with substance, it's either mean tweets or WW3. So Gfy.
If you could stop scam simping things you don't understand anything about technically for even a second, you could explain plainly how a vTXO isn't a shitcoin.
My tone doesn't matter if you could, but you can't and won't.
Ark is one of the primary uses so far of VTXOs and they are most certainly not an altcoin, it's not much different then people sharing UTXOs with lightning. Extremely simply to understand if you're not intent on being contrarian and do any little bit of research at all.
Ark is no different than any other sidechain scam before it.
Just because it's native shitcoin is "pegged" to Bitcoin doesn't make it Bitcoin, anymore than the Liquid scam.
Lightning doesn't share UTXO's, a channel point resolves to 1 UTXO per party. If Lightning did share UTXO's, retards wouldn't feel the need to FUD it over fake scalability concerns.
Get a clue then try again.
WTF? Ark isn't even a sidechain, dude do you seriously just shitpost and do no research at all?
resolves to 1 UTXO per party
Yah, just like I said, 2+ people sharing a UTXO and CTV can allow for channel factories where more than 2 people can share UTXOs
You clearly have done zero research and just proceed to throw adhominems around like confetti.
Just because scammers, and midwits like you who believe anything they say because you're incapable of verifying, don't call it a side chain doesn't make it not one. It's an externalized consensus with a token and coordinator. All this covenant related trash, state chains spider chains drive chains arks etc, all the same scammer bullshit.
No one shares a UTXO in lightning, or anywhere else. That's simply not how Bitcoin works, not your UTXO not your coin. That's why you believe nonsense about scaling, because you haven't gotten the slightest clue about anything.
Can we batch channel opens? Sure. We can do it today to and save 80%, but no one does it because it's a coordination problem that shitcoins don't solve.
shockingly I'm anti-spam, but it seems you're pro 1MB block size. So I'll leave it at that
I have no idea what that means. I cant even remember the last time I talked about blockspace, the block-size isn't changing, and also big blockers were confirmed to be retards years ago so there's no need to re-hash it.
wtf are you talking about most of the op codes aren't even new, CTV has been around for over 4 years and the rest have been researched for years. Do you not pay attention to bitcoin development at all or something?
That's why a nuanced conversation is important. I don't think ad hominem is necessary cos it's a net-positive for most people to really be on board and critique critically.
Your passion is admirable tho @theonevortex
appreciate you bro!