I've mentioned polity versus democracy when talking about the idea of Bitcoin's functional economy being effectively a charity driven economy. My belief is that the young will work hard to earn Bitcoin and when they are old get to decide how to spend it such that it influences the growth and direction of a community. Therefore old age is the privilege of having your vision for humanities future play out. This is why I think it will work and that is why I think it may result in a society of polity although maybe aristocracy is more likely.
I hope that by sharing this video you guys can understand why I mean by aristocracy and polity vs oligarchy and democracy.
I've mentioned polity versus democracy when talking about the idea of Bitcoin's functional economy being effectively a charity driven economy.
Where can I hear more about a charity driven economy?
Well to be fair to everyone involved its not exactly a fully formed thought, just an instinct that it might turn out this way.
Some clear cut real world examples I think though would be for example Bitcoin beach: Basis Underlying Bitcoin Beach Like Efforts
Another example off the top of my head comes from @thecommoner in his series of articles that are actually just him talking about what he's doing with his Bitcoin apartment renting business that are all titled in some form Property Management built on Bitcoin
this says to me...that all successful businesses operating in our current systems of both Bitcoin and FIAT probably need to operate as not-for-profits and actually provide their "value" to their "customer" at their actual costs...
It was only once a few years ago that actually tried to conceptualize Charity as a business model
To say the least, this is an area of ongoing research and active speculation on my part.
Aristotle distrusted wealth, was expressly critical of entrepreneurial profit, and completely despised and repudiated merchants. He condemned interest, which he considered to be an unfair generation of money through money itself.
I also condemn interest especially when someone promises interest on your Bitcoin. It rather seemed to me that Aristotle was expressly critical of all people. Your analysis is as if he'd only touched on the issue of Oligarchy and didn't express the problems of democracy.
To keep this brief I just think I'd need for those claims to be a little more substantiated
300 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 18 Oct
I wonder what the Stoics would have thought about Bitcoin and its properties. That would be cool to read.
The criticism he made about the oligarchy leads to democracy. The interests of the majority would prevail and end up sidelining the rights and desires of the minority. Who holds the most power in a society? Those who have greater wealth