WTF? Ark isn't even a sidechain, dude do you seriously just shitpost and do no research at all?
resolves to 1 UTXO per party
Yah, just like I said, 2+ people sharing a UTXO and CTV can allow for channel factories where more than 2 people can share UTXOs
You clearly have done zero research and just proceed to throw adhominems around like confetti.
Just because scammers, and midwits like you who believe anything they say because you're incapable of verifying, don't call it a side chain doesn't make it not one. It's an externalized consensus with a token and coordinator. All this covenant related trash, state chains spider chains drive chains arks etc, all the same scammer bullshit.
No one shares a UTXO in lightning, or anywhere else. That's simply not how Bitcoin works, not your UTXO not your coin. That's why you believe nonsense about scaling, because you haven't gotten the slightest clue about anything.
Can we batch channel opens? Sure. We can do it today to and save 80%, but no one does it because it's a coordination problem that shitcoins don't solve.
ROFL yes continue to go around calling everyone scammers with no proof and no ability to argue technical semantics, that only makes you look more and more like a lunatic. You don't even seem to understand the basics of lightning. Have fun with the rest of your shitposts because you've lost all credibility on this platform from this conversation lone.
You're carrying water for forkers, talking about shared UTXO's like they exist, and calling vTXO's Bitcoin, I suppose your an expert in torpedoing credibility.
What the hell is a vTXO?