eg- 'Failed to route payment, recipient may not be reachable. Try sending a smaller amount or increasing the max fee reserve. Send NZ$3.38 ⚡️3,000 to bitcoin-prediction-market Max routing fee ⚡️1500'
I haven't seen that error yet.
I've now had it about a dozen times.
Mostly today or over time?
All and only today as only today visited the site and tried to place prediction/s. None have succeeded.
I just made a bet with walletofsatoshi and getalby... not sure why your wallet might be failing.... Are your channels misconfigured?
Just tried again- still getting same message- seems like zero connectivity between BTCPredict and Coinos wallet?
'Failed to route payment, recipient may not be reachable. Try sending a smaller amount or increasing the max fee reserve.'
Well we do have open channels with mutual peers. Coinos wallet is connected to megalith node, which is connected to us. There's both inbound and outbound liquidity in those channels, so it's strange that the payment failed. I even examined their node and balanced all the channels.
My guess is that the native routing algorithms are pretty shitty so they stop trying to find a route after a few attempts. But, according to your error, have you tried increasing the max fee in your wallet? That might have something to do with it.
Also have you tried possibly using your stacker news wallet? That one works (until Nov 5th I believe).
I dont have much in the SN wallet and like you say it will not work soon anyway. Have just tried to send 2100sats to you with a max fee raised to 10000 sats!- still not working....have previously tried increased fee also- never works.
Sounds like the megalith node is not living up to its name- could you create a direct node connection to coinos?
Failed to route payment, recipient may not be reachable. Try sending a smaller amount or increasing the max fee reserve. Send NZ$2.36 ⚡️2,100 to bitcoin-prediction-market Max routing fee ⚡️10000
I am using Coinos and it's still not working. I have contacted support and told them of the problem but have not heard back from them yet.