If, according to the Keynesians and Säocialists, lowering interest rates leads to economic growth, why doesn't the central planner in charge, the central bank, set the interest rate permanently negative, at -35% for example?
That should then generate a boom, jobs (this always comes up in infantile politicians' speeches, as they pretend being responsible for every employment contract) and paradisiacal prosperity.
No, it's just that socialist politics, or the actively pursued transfer of power from the productive sector of society to parasitic rent-seekers (who might that be?) has merged with the fiat money printer and in this way all the darkroom ideology of resurrected socialists, this time weird woke and in green grubby garb, is printing the necessary cash. Naturally, as the state economists will always deny, knowing better, because they are paid to look the other way, this destroys our purchasing power and pumps the pockets of those close to the money printer.
Doesn't it seem suspicious and strange to you that no important politician ever debates the central bank? That monetary policy is never critically scrutinized by the mass media?
Central banking is a redistribution mechanism and a vehicle to centralize economic and political power. That works so well for so long until we start pulling back the curtain to reveal the scary theater!
By the way: You should read Griffin's 'The Creature From Jekyll Island'. That helps opening Your eyes.
Great point here:
‘ Doesn't it seem suspicious and strange to you that no important politician ever debates the central bank? That monetary policy is never critically scrutinized by the mass media? ‘
Only the great Ron Paul, in my lifetime.
He would have been a hell of president.
He tried, unfortunately he ran up against that tool, McCain in the primaries. In my state, I went to the party convention, where the McCain crew cut Paul out of any consideration because that crew was basically in charge of the convention due to occupying all of the seats of power. We put up a good fight, but every motion was shutdown from the chair. It was a huge disappointment.
Those primaries were insane. There were a lot fewer incidents like that in 2012 than 2008, thanks to the work people like you did.
All of the effort was negated by the cheating scumbags that were running things. We tried every parliamentary procedure we could to change some of the results. We succeeded at none of them. The next election, people made sure that the regular people were properly represented everywhere. What really hurt was when McCain just up and quit the race!! Obummer, was elected because McCain quit campaigning altogether, leaving it to him.
The Fed EBC BOJ = international banking cartel who create bank reserves aka casino chips and buy real world assets and put them on their balance sheet. The same exact market where common folk have to earn money to buy.
What a lovely system!
I hate these parasites in a way that I sometimes can feel the need to switch off news
Me too! I’m willing to go bankrupt with bitcoin than continue to perpetuate this scam
It's beyond me how 99% can live without even questioning the scam fiat system, the growing state mob and bs media
Life is still good. They give us just enough to keep us on the hamster wheel. The system is designed to keep low energy low motivation individuals fat sick and lazy addicted to food drugs porn and entertainment.
I guess that works for a large majority of the population. Of course, those who volunteered for the grand jab experiment may not be long with us. THEY might have made a mistake by wiping out their best tools. I’m glad I could resist the “nudging”.
Considering that the 1% controls all of the radio, television and newspapers, it is a wonder the anyone escapes the indoctrination! Only people who go to alternative news on the internet can escape the matrix.
47 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 19 Oct
Every centralized system is an evil system. But I agree with you that “central banking is the root of every evil”, because it controls the money and who controls the money controls the power.