Exactly it's a bot that locks up your account probably... 1 sat wtf they gonna have stack till 2050 prices with that shit... I'm stackn to survive today and really stay decentelized... FUCK THE GOVERNMENT practice zap etiquette or go base.eth for FREE lol.. 21-min 100 -standard
If you are trying to 'preserve wealth' or 'earn income' by getting zapped... Dude get a job at starbucks or McDonalds.
Yes a sat may be and probably will be worth considerably more in the future, but not that much. 10 $ today buys over 14000 sats and that's more than the vast majority of stackers will 'earn' on SN especially in an hour or 2.
To me zapping on SN is a quality-control, anti-spam measure that is desperately needed on the internet - it brings 'value' to cyberspace. However individual posts at least today are a minuscule amount of purchasing power.
If you are trying to 'preserve wealth' or 'earn income' by getting zapped...
Isn’t this v4v about being zapped for whatever you “create”, may it be a silly SN comment. How many people do this for living? Podcasters, for example… but you are telling them to find a job at starbucks instead?
a great podcast i would LOVE to zap! a comment for literally 1 sat (as mentioned above) is an entirely different matter imo