A while ago I saw an informative video on exactly this subject! And the truth is that I find it very difficult to unify the thoughts of those great powers that would be included in this agreement! And there is the first example. I find it difficult to convince Putin of the "benefits" that this change could supposedly bring to Russia...
this territory is moderated
I think the most important pillar of this growing bloc will be more pricing power in the energy sector. This will change the geopolitical power structure in the long
Exactly! If there is or will be interest in any way, that will be the focus point... the energy issue! If we think about it, it is an issue that worries and keeps any country that is seeking to consolidate itself restless.
Especially with the EU killing their nuclear plants
That is totally true 👍 honestly what they are doing so far is a mistake for which they are going to pay dearly.