All of the territories that I searched for were archived so I just did some research to see if they're worth dropping the sats.
I talked to some buddies and some were interested in sharing the risk and reward of owning a territory. Then pulled the trigger.
I am wanting to do the same. Can I claim an archive territory and change the name and everything else?
Can I claim an archive territory and change the name and everything else?
I think if you change the name, the territory stays with the old name but I honestly have no idea how that works.
Maybe @k00b can better answer that question.
25 sats \ 9 replies \ @ek 19 Oct
yes you can buy an archived territory and change the name to whatever you want
Awesome. Thank you. How do that? When I go to create and type the name, it shows archived and when I go to pay, it is saying it's already taken..
11 sats \ 7 replies \ @ek 19 Oct
which territory?
Christianity. And I want to broaden it to Spirituality.
11 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 19 Oct
Are you saying the warning this territory is archived
changes to the error taken when you click "pay" like here for ~bitcoin:
? I just tested locally that buying archived territories works but I didn't test with ~christianity on here, the real site. It should work.
Yes. And when I click to pay I get this. It says taken in the corner.
I got it figured out. @Jon_Hodl had the solution. It was because I was trying it with a capital letter instead of all lower case.