pull down to refresh

Oh I’m an idiot… misread it for “sats”… no I keep nothing
No worries. Easy mistake.
I'm curious what is your motivation for making this site if not money nor data?
It was for a hackathon, built most of it in a weekend. Now it’s just for fun… probably should add a fee tbh
Interesting! Well thanks. It was fun playing.
Have you ever had issues with inbound or sending the winnings?
One missing feature imo is a toast when you click the copy invoice button.
On top of that, @k00b when going to withdraw sats, it would be nice to see the amount decoded.
Yeah, payouts of this size are probably gonna fail... I'll just pay the winner out of band
I've personally seen the winnings get sent multiple times
For sure.
I was just wondering how the dev handles scale.
Liquidity was an issue when it first started. Now I have plenty of inbound