That is an excellent question, and very hard to pin down. I started my journey being born to a mother who was searching for answers to questions, and she raised me to ask questions, search, seek. For me currently it is seeking after the Kingdom of God, whatever that is, and being open to ideas of what that is, asking those questions.
Matthew 6:33But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own.…
32 sats \ 11 replies \ @nym 20 Oct
I'm still searching for that also. I didn't see, hear, or recognize any signs early in life, but the older I get the more I see or recognize. Partly due to loss and missing people maybe, but I think there is more to it than just that.
Yes! I have always seen patterns and signs, but I kept it mostly quiet, when I was young my mother would tell me to keep quite about things I saw or would talk about, she told me people wont understand. We were in a small town in the 60's and 70's, things were different then. People might think its different now, but its not honestly, it seems there are acceptable things still even in the world of spirituality that can be talked about, but still separated into cliqs and groups. I think that time is changing.
When I started acknowledging synchronicity, it changed anything for me. I had no faith in anything before. Now I see infinite magic and possibilities all around me.
22 sats \ 8 replies \ @nym 20 Oct
I'm not really familiar with that concept. Is there a resource you could recommend?
The concept is simple. Either everything means something or nothing does. Some say well some things mean something and some things do not, then the question begs who is the Judge of what means something or what does not? So at the point I went through an awakening process, in the ancient days they called it a Fire Rite. The awareness raises so that one can start to see all the connections and the story that it is forming. My husband and I went through this awakening process together.
So a way to explain it is you notice say a name or a word or a number, or a color, any type of information, an animal etc....Then you see it again, and again, as if something was attempting to show you something. You then will have probably some personal association with seeing or hearing this thing. It could be a song. So here is an experiment. I will go to Youtube and look and see what the first song is I see in the moment, and will follow the 'code'. Its like a drop of water on a window that starts to form and collect into a stream.
Heh....Lots of ways to follow this stream...LAMB. Is the first thing that I already saw today. It was clothing made with silver lining :)
Everyone has a different way they understand synch. One thing I think about is who am I speaking to? So I can look at the name NYM and use Gematria to understand a little more...
Ah I see this already came up for me today tied to Mountains. I was talking to my husband about the Mustard Seed and Yahshuah (Jesus) saying to this mountain if you have enough faith you can move it. Which also connected to the night before my friend brought me some art he made that was a mountain range, his name means Sweeping or Broom. And it just keeps going in this long thread or stream of speaking, telling a story. I've been doing this for many years now, and at first it was very scary and intense, but then it just is. things just are :). The question then is what do I do with it?
43 sats \ 2 replies \ @nym 20 Oct
Thanks for the explanation. I have experienced those things as well. I will start to pay attention a little more now!
Yeah its all around you , the Matrix is full of data, God is always talking, no one is paying attention.
It is what we make of it. Great comment. 💚
Great explanation. 💚
I don't have anything to recommend. But it's understanding that everything happens for a reason right exactly on time. Believing that we may receive signs from the universe or God. Have you heard about seeing 11:11?
It's all about the now. The only time there is.
I think that sums it up perfectly.
That is a beautiful quote. I think we have a lot of distractions that keep us stuck in focus on the past and future. It is so helpful to hold onto a clear goal of what we are seeking.