The 2024 US election is poised to trigger a chain reaction of monetary policy easing, sparking a global surge in money printing and fueling asset bubbles, inflation, and economic instability.
As the US, China, Japan, and Europe follow suit, the risk of a sharp correction in financial markets grows, with Europe's high debt levels and low growth rates making it particularly vulnerable.
The soon to be formed "bubble of all bubbles" could burst in the near future, marking a significant turning point in the global economy and potentially leading to a harsh period of economic instability. #ordoabachao
Only a few people are talking about it but the burst of the chinese RE bubble could have been the deflationary event that's sending its shock waves through credit and fx markets now. I still see this last Yen-event in this context. This whole 'Carry-trade is unwinding' was too mainstream, too easy to have been the main trigger. Much more to come out of this sh.thole