Yes, It all depends on what you want as an objective.
Bitcoin is how I am saving to buy land. Once I buy land, I will continue to use bitcoin as the best store of value in history.
The land might also lose value at a rate slower than fiat but it's still a depreciating asset in relation to bitcoin.
The whole merry-go-round stops when a lot of the speculation stops. If states make bitcoin illegal and CBDC the only legal crypto, it is the end of bitcoin as an appreciating asset
I doubt it. They can't make it illegal everywhere.
Making bitcoin illegal will only drive its use underground and into black and grey markets as people flee those no-bitcoin zones and into ones that allow it to flourish.
No, it might not be illegal everywhere, but if they make it illegal where you are you are SOL! Again, left holding the bag by the government. What if, at the same time, they make cash illegal and CBDC the only acceptable currency along with the programmable bits (like no traveling further than 15 minutes from home)? It seems all of those situations are on the WEF/UN menu right now.