What would be happening to you if you were in Cuba right now? Can you wrap your head around that one?
I have no idea. I don't know anything about Cuba or anything for that matter.
DesertDave, hmmm….. I was once stuck in the desert for about 3 years. Along with rain, there was a dearth of information.
I was born and raised here in the Sonoran desert.. of course now I don't live in a city but instead I am isolated surrounded by miles and miles of beautiful desert. I absolutely love it. What kind of desert were you stuck in?
I was in the Mohave desert in California between Death Valley and San Barnadino. I kind of liked it but was not free to leave it.
That's wild. How did you get stuck there? That is some intense desert.
With the military. For sh*ts and giggles we used to go out in the middle of nowhere and shoot at jackrabbits. Don’t believe we ever got one, but the brews were cold. Other times we would go out to the dry lake during full moon at night. Awesome!!
It's a great place for transformation. The veil is thin in the desert.
Especially the inner veil.