It came as it had to: Germany is now blaming Russia for its own economic catastrophe. Not a word about the green catastrophe agenda, the infantile climate apocalypse, the over-regulation, the open borders with a built-in implosion guarantee for the social funds, the demography for which no provision has been made - Germany is on the way to economic second-class status.
im not surprised. while i have nothing good to say about Russia these days, Germany is 100% to blame for all its problems. and they still have the nerve to try and go around teaching other people what to do and why they should all give up their nuclear power for wind farms and shit. total joke!
Thank You. There are some Ursula/ Klaus fanboys here that really live in a parallel universe..
47 sats \ 2 replies \ @xz 21 Oct
EU trade with Kyrgyzstan (inc. Germany) has been doing very well in recent years. I wonder has anyone representing the EU discussed the emerging roaring trade with central Asian markets? Very weird.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 21 Oct
You mean the re-packaging of russian energy and raw materials? Weird, indeed
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 21 Oct
Russia, EU, Kyrgyzstan, win, win, win! I'd like to see the Kyrgyzstan exports, but I'm sure that's not all public.
I'm happy that I made it out in time, now I've at least got a chance to buidl on Bitcoin & Lightning...
Also I've met quite many very capable people who've just left Europistan, through the years but also especially after 2020!
The bleed will accelerate if You see where they're going with thought control, taxes and central planning
Of course! And that is a big part of why I'm building this account and doing seemingly wild & weird things with it hehe
Germany will blame anyone it can before it looks at itself.
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 21 Oct
The next selected chancellor, Friedrich Merz (CDU) yesterday was pushing for NATO's boots on the ground in Ukraine. Looks really grim for the eurocommies
Germany is very capable when it comes to the war machine. If they get into the fight, they can ramp up production in many ways.