One can only agree with Bloomberg's debt forecast. The trend in global government debt is clearly upwards. But the fact that, when it comes to Germany, they adopt the German approach of completely ignoring the reality of demographics, over-regulation, recession, de-industrialization and the exploding welfare state is incredibly grotesque.
And it is the European Union that is currently setting the direction in which politicians will react to the debt crisis that they themselves have caused: higher taxation, as Germany has raised five tax rates this year, capital controls and of course, you guessed it, even higher government spending, to confirm my suspicion that the current political caste is no longer capable of any learning process or intellectual evolution.
What should the German government do to stimulate real demand in the economy instead of increasing its spending artificially?
Free the market, let households decide on spending and saving to get back to private formation of capital
How is the Germans’ saving rate like? I know that Singaporeans and Japanese save rather aggressively, so I don’t think leaving to market initiatives will be successful. An example is how the SG government gave each citizen $100 worth of tourism vouchers to stimulate spending during COVID
It's around 11 - 11.5%
Fruits of 2% inflation