It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life.

John 6:63
Dear God, Creator of all things, Source of wisdom and life, we gather before You this new day, seeking Your guidance and blessing for the hours that lie ahead of us. As You taught us in John 6:63, we recognize that the words You give us are spirit and they are life. May we receive and embrace these words in our hearts, allowing them to guide and inspire us throughout this day.
Give us, Lord, the grace to deeply understand the importance of Your words in our lives. May we not only hear them, but internalize them and live them in our daily journey. Enable us to apply the teachings of love, compassion, forgiveness, and kindness in our interactions with others, spreading Your light and love wherever we go.
Strengthen us, O God, to resist the temptations of selfishness, hatred, and injustice. May we follow the example of Jesus Christ, our Master and Savior, who showed us the way of truth and life through His words and actions. May we be instruments of Your love and peace in this world, contributing to the building of a more just, compassionate, and harmonious world.
Guide us, O Heavenly Father, in each step we take. Enlighten our minds so that we can discern what is true and just. Renew our hearts so that we can truly love our neighbors as ourselves. Enable us to live according to Your commandments, finding the fullness of life in Your everlasting love.
In the name of Jesus Christ, who revealed to us the fullness of Your truth and invited us to follow Him, we pray.
In this verse, Jesus is teaching the crowd about the importance of His words and the Holy Spirit. He declares that the words He speaks are spirit and life, emphasizing that His message is not merely human doctrine, but is divine and vital to spiritual life. This underscores the spiritual essence of His teaching and the need to turn to Him to find true life and fulfillment.
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