They're starting to realize just how fucked they are. We have to brace ourselves, because they won't go down easily.
As you pointed out, one of their "solutions", buying up all the bitcoin supply, isn't possible since we aren't going to sell to them.
Similarly, a de facto ban will not work and bitcoin's purchasing power will never go to zero. It's a global currency, dipshits. It'll still have positive purchasing power, even if all law-abiding Americans stop using it.
They can make it uncomfortable to use in any above board way but like drug prohibition this is just going to create a ginormous black market. The question for me is would the US do something like invade another 'sovereign' to inject such discomfort.
They likely will do both of those things.
What they're starting to pick up on is that it's either us or them (and there's no way to completely get rid of us).
It's like playing out the rest of a chess match after the end is already decided.