This is bullshit crap from government. It won't prevail at least here. I remember when they taxed 30% on profits for virtual assets, people made a commitment that they aren't going to sell Bitcoins anyway so the government be lame to find who to tax for Bitcoin.
I believe in total annihilation of the governments as they are right now. They have got their part to do by earning revenue through national assets not by taxing my money. My money is my own and they aren't gonna take it away from me.
this, in my opinion, goes way beyond capital gains taxes
Beyond everything right! I wanna know why a politicians get salary from the taxes and then he gets a lifetime pension here in India.
Well this is in the US. What the US does for better or worse tends to set the regulatory example across the entire world.
Thanks! I now remember. Indian constitution is a copy from all constitutions accross all the democracies. I forgot that this has been copied from USA.