Right here in my own back yard. Just me and my little red desert romping machine. I could stay here all day and nothing would change even though everything is new. Here I find freedom. πŸ’š What does freedom look like to you? I have some zaps ⚑ loaded and ready. I love you all.
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182 sats \ 1 reply \ @aljaz 13h
Freedom to live on my own terms and freedom to do what I want,not what I need to survive. Each year the struggle to work on things that enable survival instead of things that feed the soul and fight the state gets harder and harder.
I feel that. I am not super old but I have been around long enough to see a huge change in what it takes to feel free in life. I really feel for younger generations trying to make a way.
112 sats \ 1 reply \ @BitcoinAbhi 20h
For me, freedom means doing what you want, not for what you need.
I agree. That is a big part of it for me
My life, my rules is the measurement of freedom for me.
I agree. Living by our own rules is the best.
During the dark months, walking up the mountain in search of sunlight. An unbelievable feeling of freedom and independence
That's gorgeous. Did you take that picture?
of course
332 sats \ 1 reply \ @flat24 23h
What does freedom look like for you?
It's a wonderful question, and I thank you because thanks to it I can let my ideas flow. If you had asked me this 10 years ago I probably wouldn't know what to answer. And I would know even less what to say if you asked me before the Plan-demic of 2020. Before that I was an ordinary person who lived my week to week, without thinking about my direction and the true factors that govern my environment and my progress. Now in 2024 I have a more conscious and at the same time alarmist thought. I don't know if I'm wrong, but I consider that I will find true freedom when I have my house and my land, to be able to build a safe place for myself and my family a little away from the crowd, safeguarding our wealth in Bitcoin and enjoying the freedom of the environment, without traffic 🚦, without adoptive schools 🏫, without false guides β›ͺ profiteers, and without so many toxic people πŸ‘₯. I see your photos and read about your desert lifestyle and I find it fascinating. Today in 2024 I can consider myself a lucky and awake being. Every day I try to accumulate more energy 🍊⚑ to be able to carry out that mission of freedom thanks to the power that Bitcoin gives us over our accumulable vital energy.
Thank you for the share. I feel like I value many of the same things when it comes to feeling free.
True freedom for myself comes from self reliance and personal responsibility, not government programs. I prefer decentralized, local governance when any government action is absolutely necessary. Ultimately, I see government as a potential threat to individual liberty and believe that freedom from government overreach is essential for a truly free society.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Your picture is a great representation of what freedom looks like
I agree with you completely. That is a huge part of it. I am so grateful for this community and the hope that I get from Bitcoin. I can see a way out now. Still a lot of work to do, but I believe we will do it.
That's hell of a question, love your pragmatic answer. To me the matter of freedom evolves aroud the missing bit that we usually forget to mention: the "from". Freedom from pain, freedom from misery, freedom from bitterness, freedom from slavery. Therefore, it's tricky to answer without tackling the more fundamental matter of what do you want to be freed from?.
I, personally, gasp to be freed from my demons.
Building on this, I usually associate the concept of freedom with the idea of freedom from misery, given a broad definition of misery. To me misery looks like being bitter, resentful, in phisical pain, being slave of a missing routine and a schema in my days. This factors contribute to make me feel not free. Thus, subtracting this, I would say that to me freedom looks like a period (hopefully a long period of time) in which my basic needs are taken care of, I'm grateful for what happens around me, my life has a structure. In that scenario, I can explore what life gives me, and even if it gives me bad days, sufferings, bad emotions, delusions...even if that is served as a dish, I still go to beed feeling free and alive. Free from my demons.
Thank you for your thoughtful response. I see healing as freeing ourselves from our demons. I do think that is key to finding "freedom". Maybe, once we feel safe, we can figure out what our freedom looks like for us. Generally people feel trapped and powerless, with a scarcity mindset, fiat clown world. For me, it was difficult to dream and consider freedom in that place. Now, even though I don't have a plan exactly, I know I will be taken care of. I feel abundant and grateful. I have taken more responsibility for my reality. Bitcoin plays a big roll on that for me. This all helps me feel free. It doesn't mean every moment is great. But it's mostly on my terms.
I know I will be taken care of
This feeling is terrific and wonderful, well said. Playing a game you agreed upon is a precondition for peace and freedom. And hopefully happiness too.
221 sats \ 1 reply \ @bief57 10h
What is freedom for me? Well, being able to go wherever I want at whatever time I want without asking anyone for permission, being able to play with my daughter on a Wednesday afternoon because I don't have to ask any boss for permission to give me the "day off"
Playing with your kids whenever you want. That is freedom for sure. No better way to spend time in my opinion.
221 sats \ 1 reply \ @anna 21 Oct
I very much appreciate having a vehicle to reach a destination.
Few things feel more free than biking or driving just to go somewhere I want to go (especially on a sunny day, especially with good music on)
Definitely. Getting a car and a license is the first major freedom I felt in life.
Freedom to do as I please and also to serve others. Voluntary poverty (ie living a simple life) can deliver a lot of such freedom. So can Bitcoin. Burning fossil fuels and making a lot of noise and dust can be fun too.
I used to be quite the consumer. And that was fun at the time. Now I get so much satisfaction out of seeing how little I can live with. It feels good. Maybe one day I will want to get back into a normal house and get more comfortable again. It's all beautiful. πŸ’š
221 sats \ 2 replies \ @xz 14h
Probably, the exact opposite to you! I just want my own roof over my own head. I'm aware that my own dreams of entrapment might be the very enslavement I wish to escape, but when you want to work a home can be a handy thing. Still, that bike and the arid landcape looks mighty inviting. I might just give up one day and try to find likeminded people like you on the road. One day!
I enjoy a roof over my head as well. It's nice to have shelter and comfort.
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 7h
Maybe not so different at all then. If I get a bike at some point again, I'll share some pictures with you of the open road. Though off road looks like more freedom.
Time to choose what I do with my day do this do that
I feel that’s freedom that I’m chasing.
Work if I want . Do nothing if I want etc
Yes. I love making my work my play when possible. And sometimes I do nothing. And doing nothing is important for growth and healing sometimes I think. We have been programmed to always be productive. Stillness is maybe the most productive sometimes.
Someone once said stillness is key
I agree with someone
We need to be the rock that the waves crash over until the ocean is still someone said something like that as well
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 14h
That's beautiful.
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG 21 Oct