Bet you never saw that one coming! New territory. Seems fitting for the 9th house, no? The ninth house is about learning and philosophy in no small way. In the chart of Austin, Texas, we find it occupied by Capricorn. This is somewhat the opposite energy of this house inasmuch as Sagittarius is usually what is here which denotes expansion. Capricorn instead is a "contracting energy" meaning some kind of authority or "elder energy".
Mercury is here, under strain, The Sun Moon and Venus are here, conjunct one another in various ways. Conjunctions are most often favorable, which is a good thing to see here. On the other hand, the conjunction is restricted and the speech in Mercury is somehow difficult or strained. What could this mean?
If you have ever been in college, you've probably had the experience of a professor who was really good at their subject, but not necessarily very good at explaining--or else you might not have understood entirely what they were saying. The same thing is true here, except it concerns some serious "universal processes" and has the feeling of "if you think you are soooo smart you should be able to sort this out and if not, well then, you better defer to the authority of the elder until you understand more what is going on".
The type of energy this house describes is going to be noticeable with these aspects. Indeed, we might be able to infer something about the nature of the house energy as the logo for Stacker News is yellow like the sun. It stands out. It even utilizes the minor aspect of the sextile of Mercury to Uranus for the lightning bolt. It is, one might say, a very noticeable "freak flag". We should be able to see this sort of energy where Austin is involved, and indeed, Austin was and is very active in the technology scene which is partly why stacker news is there now. There are probably other examples.
We also notice the moon is trine Mars, which encourages us to take some kind of action on the basis of what we may have somewhat understood but dimly. It is perhaps more important that we "felt it" than we understood it. Sometimes you can only understand a thing after an action is taken. Mars is Also Trine Venus which encourages movement on beauty or desire. Again, all these things are nearly instinctual without understanding. There is an angel mythologically said to be very beautiful that one should be quite careful about acting on the impulses of. Then again, there are other angels said to be quite beautiful if not terrifying that are wise to act upon the advice thereof. Mars, which we haven't gotten to in the sixth house, has more to say about how to decide such scenarios. Venus being in Aquarius probably means the needed action will concern greater humanity or humanitarian seeming ideals.
A busy house, to be sure.