Imagine that you are about 16, 17 years old. Would you go to University or College? , what degree would you do?
Today the world is different from the one you knew at that age, would you take the same decisions?
I'm posting this question, because a few nights ago, I had dinner with a couple of friends and their 16 years old kid, who is not sure about what to do the following year after graduating in high school. He enjoys economy and drawing... during the conversation I told him to take a gap year and go to another location with working holiday visa, so he can get some real life experience...but, the parents didn't like that idea very much.
what degree would you do?
I was pretty lazy back then. I avoided any sort of memorization in school. So I chose to study Engineering. That's something you can't memorize.
I still tell high school Seniors to consider Engineering but most of them think it's not worth the effort.
take a gap year and go to another location with working holiday visa, so he can get some real life experience...but, the parents didn't like that idea very much.
My parents were short sighted too. I paid for my education by working in Engineering departments at large companies in different states every other semester. Typical undergraduate Co-Op experience