Thanks for sharing, this is a very useful habit that you mention, I had heard about it some time ago, but honestly I never put it into practice.
To be honest, I fight my own battle just like everyone else, seeking to improve every day and continue learning, other habits that have helped me and that I have put into practice since I fully focused on this bitcoin thing have been:
  • Wake Up Early
  • Look for Options to Manage My Time Better
  • Reading
Wake Up Early Here I must admit that this has been one of the best habits that I have been able to develop in these last three years. Previously I lived a very uncontrolled daily schedule, some days I went to sleep very late at night, which caused me to sleep later in the morning, or when I had to get up early I was short of energy and desire, since I went to sleep late in the morning. Now I wake up no later than 6:00 or 6:30 AM. I barely open my eyes, get up, wash my face and teeth, do my business, and then without thinking much because then you get distracted and do something else, I sit down to meditate for 10 to 15 minutes. Once I have done my meditation, I continue with my daily activities.
Better use of my time I had never been aware of this before, since I saw the series "Mr. Robot" where there is a character called "Rosa Blanca" who lives obsessed with measuring each minute that he burns daily, since time is the most valuable, scarce and ephemeral thing that we humans can have. Since I saw that, something changed in me, I don't live it in an obsessive way! But I do try to put it into practice day by day to the greatest extent that I allow myself while I am doing my daily tasks.
Reading This last one is something that I have been practicing consistently for a little longer, long before the Plan-demic and waking up to certain issues that now occupy my endless reading. I was already developing the habit of reading daily, I started with comics, mangas, then I moved on to novels and fiction, at that time I found reading very enriching, improving my grammar, my vocabulary, knowing other things, etc... But usually I read things with random content, today I have worked on focusing better on this habit, now I deal with topics of personal finance, bitcoin, economics, trading and price action theories, philosophy among other things that I feel are the ones that we should be reading from the time we are between 10 and 12 years old, when I was little I didn't have books at hand or anyone who told me that I could learn this way, in adolescence the most I ever read was the newspaper on Sundays.