100%. Don't mistake what I'm saying. Webb's content is almost always factually right from what I've seen. I say the same for Alex Jones... though he exaggerates and he's more of a showman.
I've always thought of Thiel as a business guy who calls himself libertarian. Its pretty meaningless to me. Pretty obvious he and the other "Paypal Mafia" guys have decided Trump is their chance move the government towards more privatization. Could end up being better than the opposition (Harris). Only time will tell. I don't trust these dudes.
Reality is that the state exists and has massive control over the economy and there is a battle for its control. I find it interesting. I don't consider Thiel and enemy but nor do I consider him an fellow traveler. I'm sympathetic to the folks that say at least these guys don't hate people that want to be left alone. I cannot say that of the modern left. They want to control every aspect of your lives.
I dunno. I'm still thinking this through but mostly out of curiosity about what will happen.