Under a sky thick with clouds, the tranquil waters of Kallavesi Lake stretched in every direction, reflecting the calmness of the fading August day in 1964. The air was still, and everything seemed ordinary. But for Raimo Blomqvist, what began as a quiet evening by the lakeside at his family’s summer cottage soon took a sharp, unexpected turn. Blomqvist, a 30-year-old local, found himself witnessing something beyond his comprehension—a moment that would forever change his perspective on the unknown.
Around 7 p.m., Blomqvist noticed a strange light descending from the sky, moving steadily toward the lake. The colorful orb came closer, revealing itself not just as a random flash, but something deliberate. As it approached, the shape became more defined—an oval object, glowing brightly, hovering just above the water, no more than ten meters from where Blomqvist stood. He later compared the object’s shape to a kalakukko, a traditional Finnish dish, though its curved form was distinctly unusual.
For a few moments, the object remained still in the air, almost as if observing its surroundings. Then, without warning, a small fragment fell from it, striking the water with a sound similar to hot metal sizzling as it touches a cold surface. Before Blomqvist could react, the object brightened even more, then shot upward with astonishing speed, vanishing into the clouds.
Curiosity quickly overtook him. Blomqvist waded into the shallow water where the fragment had landed, his hands soon finding a small, stone-like object around 3 to 4 centimeters long. It was layered, and its composition was unlike anything he had ever encountered. This wasn’t a typical stone or debris from the lake. It was something else entirely—something that had come from the glowing craft.
Blomqvist kept the fragment to himself for years, unsure of what to do with it. He remained silent for over a decade, but by 1975, driven by growing discussions about UFO phenomena, he decided to reach out to the Finnish UFO Research Association (FUFORA). What made his encounter so compelling, beyond just his detailed description, was the physical evidence he had recovered.