Sounds like your grandma had a soul relationship with the Pope. Now many conspiracy therapists like myself may think that a lot of evil goes on in that Vatican but I also subscribe to the, "if anyone is human then at some point they impressed God spiritually enough to enjoy a human birth in order to work out the kinks in the spiritual life."
I sincerely believe this.
I wish your grandmother, you and all those connected a journey of love, wisdom and happiness. Thank you for sharing this.
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @BononXD 2h
Thank you for wishes, on the subject of faith I really see the current head of the Vatican negatively, it would be hard not to, but I see John Paul II well, however I believe in God, I go to the Catholic church and I recognize that as a believer God will judge me whether I did good or not but I see movements in the wrong direction so I pray, I pray, I look with scandal at what is happening but I believe in God not in the Pope, the Pope was elected by these people, they can be wrong
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Nuttall 1h
If you have good connections at your church then it's an organic thing and that is sincerely where you need to be. Me, I'm a Hare Krishna guy and the Hare Krishna's are full of nonsense, bad actors and the worst of the worst, but... The line of practice that goes back hundreds to thousands of years is like an open source model that needs to be coaxed out by practice, devotion, prayer and connection. For this there is a direct conduit to the supreme and the supreme reveals exactly what we need when we need it.
It also helps when we recognize others who are sincerely devotees to the Supreme Godhead. It's not about the quantity of devotees it is about the quality. All are serving God regardless of what they believe or what evil they think they serve. This is clearly stated in the Shrimad Bhagavatam and the Bhagavad-Gita. It's also in the Bible Old and New Testament. It's by mindful service that we gain happiness and it is by mindless materialism that we suffer immensely not because God is cruel but because God gives us the freedom to roll our own reality and we learn that it's more fun to serve because God is serving us anyway and he doesn't have to but he wants to.