I'm just not in favour of founding a territory for fun. When @DesertDave launched ~alter_native, my first impression was like 'oh, this is nothing new' but the way he introduced with posts and info for it made me more interested towards it.
What I would love to see that I/we can found a territory which is distinguished and would be intended for long run. I don't have a very concrete idea to launch a territory for now but when I'll have, I aim to do it for a lifetime, maybe starting with a year subscription model to later on convert it into a lifetime.
So, I was saying we must be serious to think about a plan and execution of a territory because it involves real economy/money.
As of now, I don't think any of the territories have made any sort profits but revenue must've increased after the shift in Sybil fee.
Got it ok sounds like you’re out for now! Haha
I agree it shouldn’t be rushed into haphazardly
No, I'm not instead I'm all in.
I just want we first discuss what we envision with the territory.
Let’s discuss. We’ll do it on a podcast with @grayruby? 👀
I thought you were going to make an indian territory?
Why? There's no need and I've always opposed to create a country or language specific territory.
It was @BitcoinAbhi who wanted one to accomodate Hindi speaking people.