I like what you're doing here. Our various slogans have their place, but it is worthwhile to also have an elevated discourse somewhere.
One fairly small note is that you can't define "central banker" by the job they have and then proceed to ascribe definitive views to all central bankers. The Fed is the largest employer of economists in the world and those positions are considered to be very good placements within the profession. There are "central bankers", by your definition, who don't even think about money and there are central bankers with alternative views about money. The Fed puts out research on all manner of things.
100% you are correct. My knowledge is limited on Economics (something I'm going to have to do more work on)
But you make my point exactly. The Bitcoin community and Bitcoiners in general use a lot of terminology... and in my opinion a lot of phrases get thrown around. Like 'central banker' or 'central banking' when I think we would benefit ourselves by being more specific about what we want to change, and how we want to change it.
I tried to bring that up in what I wrote... as there is some 'confusion' about whether Bitcoin is money or not... and I'm not sure where that confusion comes from. If it isn't... ok. But if it is we should advocate for it to be used that way within reason, and that's not what's going on in the Bitcoin space from what I've seen. Just my 2 sats thank you