Bitcoin is the best currently known form of money in the context of the individual user- with certain qualifications- It is currently highly obstructed by the legacy fiat cartel of bankers and governments. Bitcoin is not from their point of view the best form of money because Bitcoin deprives them of the leverage, monopoly, seigniorage income and issuance hegemony they currently enjoy. Because of the obstruction of Bitcoin as a MoE payments protocol Bitcoin is still very difficult to use for most people.
I spend more time than I should thinking about Bitcoin... and I'm not shy in spending it where it makes sense. Having said that, having a smooth 'spending' experience is tough... it takes some imagination and even then there aren't many places that take it.
Hopefully in the next 10 years things improve.
The fiat debt slavery bankers cartel that patronises most of our elected representatives and has captured and controlled much of our regulatory institutions does not want Bitcoin to be competing with their their fiat monopoly...especially in the in the payments area which is the basis of their market capture. We must fight for the right to chose our preferred monetary option- Stacker News and other platforms are starting to give us some options but the obstruction from the bankers and their captive governments will continue. Yes I am hopeful things can improve.