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The Fifth house governs how a person has fun. Things like kids and romance show up here, along with games of chance and other "amusing" kinds of matters. It is easy to see this placement as the lens through which ego is focused.
The Fifth House is split between Leo and Virgo here. Leo is typical, Virgo less so. Lots of "service people" probably present in the area. Farmers perhaps. Nurses, perhaps. Military, perhaps. Farmers come under service and the land, or harvest, which is more Virgo domain. Leo gives a desire to "stand out" in the service, but everyone is gonna tend to "work" for fun here. It has a distinctly "Hank Hill" kind of presence, although I don't think he was from close to Austin in the show, was he?
The "bigger deal" is likely to be the home itself moreso than the "fun you can have in Austin" as a city. It's not to say there is going to be a lack of fun, exactly. Just that the fun is likely to be awesome if you are say, a librarian--or if hanging out with tons of nurses or medical people is something you find amusing. The idea is a kind of purification of the ego through humility so that the ego expresses humbly as opposed to typical Leo boastfulness and bravado. That is mostly going to be displayed in the home/castle/mother/family. Mars is in Virgo, but it shows up in the sixth house, and we will have more to say about that later, but service is going to be a major driver. Military is likely. Who or what orders a person follows has a lot of bearing here.