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The rhetoric of trying to replace hydrocarbons with non-economical alternative fuels at times feels like a pipe dream. Like AI the pursuit of having hydrogen as a reliable fuel source is not economical now. More fiat in pursuit of a fleeting green energy source.
Plus trying to make hydrogen with wind and solar is a fools errand at this time. I would have more realistic expectations if they were going to use nuclear but the creator didn’t even mention that as an energy source to make hydrogen. The video doesn’t go into depth on what type of technology that would be powered by hydrogen. I am assuming vehicles but to turn the automobile sector to hydrogen fuels would be a massive pivot would could take years to implement.
Content like this is great for YouTube and to get people excited about the future but one must ask how practical is this?
It may not be a pipe dream, but it is a long way off. There is no infrastructure that can handle H2 as a portable fuel. The next energy source might just be zero point energy. The methods of using it might be breaking loose, soon.
The video methods are totally impractical, IMO.
And uneconomical
Hugely uneconomical. There is not enough electrical power around to pump it into such an energy intensive process. If there were nothing but free energy, nobody would do it anyway, unless the free energy could not be readily made mobile. Liquid fuels still seem to be the best path. BTW, LPG (Liquid Propane Gas) has nothing but CO2 and H2O as burnt products.
Many types of green energy arent efficient, they are just used as a tax write off. Hydrogen could be a very clean energy source. It has potential, as does solar if it becomes more efficient.
Windmills and photovoltaics will never become more efficient if you count in the lifecycle from creating them to getting rid of the detritus when they are used up. Nuclear power joined to H2 production might get efficient if the infrastructure were built up.
Just a bunch of half baked ideas and click bait videos to get the tech enthusiasts excited, theres way too many people thinking that you can bend the laws of physics if you throw enough money at a problem/solution
Thunderfoot critiques this guys vids on the regular and it's hilarious
I’ll look it up
Whatever happened to perpetual energy? That sounded pretty good.