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4. Never Stay Silent
At the beginning, when questions and offers are being put to you, always respond.
Never just stay silent, or they will try and contract you through Tacit agreement; this is where they take your silence as acceptance.
Tacit Agreement: Sometimes referred to as Tacit Approval or Tacit Contract or Tacit Admission; means you are agreeing to something, or approving it, without actually saying so, often because you are unwilling to admit to doing so. The unanswered question was a Tacit Admission that a mistake had indeed been made.
Note: This action is fraudulent, but it does not stop them from attempting it.
It is unlawful for the person initiating an offer to use a Tacit Agreement. However, if an offer has been made to you, then you are well within your rights to use a Tacit Agreement, or even answer for them, to your advantage. However, you are within your rights to stay silent, once they have made a fraudulent claim against you.
This is what you have been waiting for, and you will learn how to set these people up so they do make a fraudulent claim against you.
Can’t you reply, “ I don’t agree, I don’t consent.”?
Sure. You can swiftly reject the offer. Or you can play counter attack. It's up to you.
How would you go about playing the counter attack? It seems that you need to know exactly what you are doing and saying to do that. Also, making a mistake would be a bad situation.
Agree with you. Gotta know what you're doing, otherwise best to stay humble. I don't claim I know what I would do, and the post was to show that staying silent could be a mistake. It comes with knowledge, experience, wisdom.. the ability to respond, responsability.
The whole problem is that many people, Including me, do not have the necessary experience in legal and lawful arenas to make these judgements. Also, most BAR lawyers know nothing about these subjects. They are totally ignorant!!
Learning for years this subject made me lose fear of the police, judges... I now think before I interact with them, and it changed everything. Every interaction is a learning experience. If they sense fear, confusion, submission.. it's what they want and hope for. A sovereign man, even if he does not know how to sue them is too much hassle. afaict the basics/fundamentals are vital, gotta know when you are being played. the game is rigged in our favor, they are bluffing on a mass scale and taking advantage of our ignorance. btw, do you know Alfonse Faggiolo? has a telegram group, he's probably the best resource to learn counter attack/court procedure