Ka-POW! We finally made it to the sixth house. It starts out in Virgo but has Mars sitting there. Mars makes great aspects to Venus, the Moon and the Sun of that Tenth House. This means service and career motivation are not going to be difficult energies to convince people to follow. It's sitting in opposition, though, to the entire spiritual purpose of Austin which is up there in Pisces. This probably means the wrong kind of work---or work that get attention--is likely to be done moreso than the spiritual work being asked to be performed. On top of that, it is square that Chiron and Square Mercury meaning that the energy doesn't easily flow where communication and information are involved. The feeling is one where everyone wants to be a star and have their own little slice of specialty, but the whole can generally go talk a short walk off a long pier. Then, however, we switch into Libra energy and Jupiter is here. Jupiter and Libra speak to matters of justice, and by golly, there are some hardcore aspects to this here. For one thing, Pluto is in opposition to Jupiter in the 12th which means people using power toward justice is going to tend to be "blocked". When it comes, and it always does with this arrangement, it tends to "explode" in a way that nobody can get in the way of the transformation of Plutonic energy that comes pouring out like lava. It's almost as though the beliefs about justice are trying to tell spirit what it can or cannot take action upon. That never goes well. On the other hand, it makes great aspect to Chiron, probably meaning after the "proverbial ass gets handed to thee" the resulting wound allows for the information that was jammed up to flow. It definitely has a "over aweng" quality to this energy because on its own the tendency will be to hold power, or justice, but not both. A curious placement to say the least, but boy, is it dynamic with lots of potential fulfillments!
The sixth house, as a reminder, is all about service. It tends to be jobs that you will take or routines you have to perform. It usually heavily influences soldiers and physicians. Here, however, it probably more indicates attorneys or possibly police enforcement with themes of justice and power. Maybe there will be an Austin: SVU tv show?