Curious how many of us were new to Lightning when we found SN.
Yes, but never really used it28.6%
Yes, and I used it a lot65.1%
63 votes \ poll ended
SN works fantastically well with other lightning wallets/sites.
It has made me use lightning way more than before, and it just feels great.
SN is like a new type of website, a lightning native one.
I've done several Sat Swaps at bitcoin brunch as a rudimentary test of micropayments. On the weekend of the last bitcoin conference I had several vendors accepting bitcoin with lightning.
I used Muun before. Used it for some donations here and there. Also tested out Kraken's new withdrawal using Lightning.
When I signed up here, I switched to Phoenix since Muun didn't support lnurl-auth.
Now I have ~300k sats ready to spend in my Phoenix wallet and used it for some more donations here and there. Will try to ask some local vendors if they are willing to accept BTC using Lightning in the near future. Maybe as a gift to the normal payment with fiat.
I ticked "Yes, but never really used it".
Whever merchant adoption happens, my LN node and wallet are ready and hopefully with enough liquidity.
Until then, there is not that much incentive to spend any funds outside some really specific niche use cases.
That is fine, I'm ok with waiting and stacking.
Before SN I was using LN to withdraw from exchanges so I could pay less in fees and stack moar sats.