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My proposals for new questions. I have already asked my official question so someone else will have to officially ask with their one guess.
We are looking for a movie released 2000-2006 (inclusive) with no oscars.
  • "Does your movie start with a letter A-M?". If yes, then we have letters to start with. If now, we have the other half letters to start with.
  • "Does the title of your movie contain 3 or more words?" If yes, then it's a longer title. If no, then it's only 1 or 2 words.
  • Does your movie have a sub-title? Here's an example of a movie with a sub title "Indiana Jones Raiders Of the Lost Ark" vs a movie without a subtitle "Black Hawk Down". This might be better to ask before the above question.
  • Still thinking of other ways to narrow it down.
Can someone ask around how many words three or more words
I think it will be a two word title myself so many at that time two worders
Next game of this, whoever does it, maybe some rule to let people ask more questions if no one else is.
For now, there’s gotta be some cowboys in the saloon you can round up.
Title length will help
Agreed. If we can narrow it down to the number of words in the title, we can reduce it down to a reasonably small number of mainstream titles.
Yes someone help us! Ask the question!